W12网球活动报名 - VCDC 网球俱乐部 W12 tennis activity enrollment

* 请根据您的情况,选择合适的活动时间。Please choose suitable time for playing based on your schedule.  * 报名工作提前一周开始,最终确认信息会在活动周周一通过"邮件+微信"方式公布。Activity plan next week will be shared one week ahead, and be confirmed Monday next week via We-chat and E-mail.   * 每次活动需要至少4人(以及上)会员报名参加,方可进行,否则活动将会取消。It need at least 4 or above players that activity will be arranged, otherwise it will be cancelled. * 为提供更好的活动体验 ,我们将周中活动和周末活动做针对性安排,即:周中针对零基础会员,周末针对有基础会员。In order to offer better service, we arrange working-day activity for beginners, and weekend activity for advancers.

W12网球活动报名 - VCDC 网球俱乐部 W12 tennis activity enrollment

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