
2018中国开源年会-COSCon'18 将于10月20-21日在深圳科兴科学园国际会议中心举办,感谢许多社区伙伴、企业伙伴和志愿者携手促使这样规模的 COSCon 诞生。 一如往常,COSCon 征求各式各样与自由/开源软件相关的演讲,欢迎各方大神于 8 月 31 日前透过讲师征集令投稿,在经过社区审稿后,预定于 10 月上旬公布完整的议程。这是一个倡导开放的研讨会,所有演讲将录影并以 CC BY-SA 4.0(知识共享协议,署名 - 相同方式共享 4.0 国际)分享给所有观众 。 如果您的演讲有任何不能录影或不愿以上述知识共享协议条款分享的状况,请于讲师征集令上注明。  重要日期- 投稿期限: 8 月 31 日(周五)- 完整议程预定公布时间: 10 月上旬- COSCon'18: 10 月 20 - 21 日(会前晚宴在 19 日晚间)。  現在就投稿吧! 2018 China Open Source Conference-COSCon'18 will be held on Oct. 20-21 in Kexing Science Park Convention Center, Shenzhen, China. Thanks to all the community partners, enterprise partners and volunteers to make it happen. We are looking for talks in several open-source related areas, please submit your proposal before August 31th, 2018.  After the review process from the coordinators, we will publish the full programme in early October. All the talks will possibly be recorded and the video clips will be released under CC:BY-SA 4.0. If you have something in your talk that cannot be recorded or released under CC, please do leave a note in your proposal.  Important dates:- Submission deadline: August 31th, 2018- Full programme & agenda published: Early October- COSCon'18: Oct. 20-21 (with welcome party at Oct. 19th night). Submit your proposal here!    *必填 / *Must Fill In


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