澳門加拿大經貿促進會青年部入會表Macau and Canada Economic and Trade Association Entry Form (Youth)

使命- - 為中國、澳門及加拿大的商界和教育界創造商機和平台,推動協助及整合資源 - - 為加拿大各項經濟發展計劃推介給予中國及澳門等地的優秀企業家和投資者。 - - 為澳門引進加拿大較先進技術,開拓創新,支援及營造一個可持續發展的經濟圈,並為加拿大和大中華地區促進雙邊經貿合作事務的發展,打造一個公平,高效,具競爭力的平台。 Mission:- - To enhance opportunities and to mobilize support and information for entrepreneurs as well as educators in Canada, Macao, and China. - - For Canada: striving to promote various economic plans to be presented in China/Macao in order to attract talented entrepreneurs and strong investors. - - For Macao: endeavouring to impart Canadian best practices and support in creating a sustainable economy for the purpose of promoting the development of bilateral business affairs in creating a fair, efficient, and competitive marketplace for Canada and the Greater China Region.

澳門加拿大經貿促進會青年部入會表Macau and Canada Economic and Trade Association Entry Form (Youth)

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