苏城外国语学校中年级学生问卷Soochow Foreign Language SchoolStudents Survey Questionnaire for Middle GradeApplicable for 2018-­2019 School Year

亲爱的同学们,为了更好的了解苏城外教师的课堂教学,了解教师在在你们心目中的形象和影响力,我们特开展这次问卷调查,希望你本着真实的体会,实事求是,认真填写。谢谢你真诚的合作!Dear Students,To help understand the impact of the SFLS teachers on you, we are organizing this questionnaire. Please answer the questions honestly and sincerely. Thank you for your cooperation!评价标准分为四个等级,请在相应标准打√ E–Excellent 优秀; G–Good 良好; Q–Qualified 合格; D–Developing 需改进There are four standards to evaluate the Teacher. Please tick (√) the appropriate standard for each statement:

苏城外国语学校中年级学生问卷Soochow Foreign Language SchoolStudents Survey Questionnaire for Middle GradeApplicable for 2018-­2019 School Year

29题  |  0次引用

