2020’第八届魅力东方·中国国际内衣创意设计大赛 报名表

承诺声明本团队/人已经认证阅读了本大赛的官方相关细则,承诺遵守各项规定。一、本人统一赋予参赛组委会对参赛作品进行再设计、生产、展示、出版、其他形式的宣传等权力。其他任何单位和个人不得将本次大赛的作品进行宣传、出版、展览等,参赛作品不得向第三方转让。二、团队/人保证申请表内所填写的各项内容和提供的资料正确无误,若有不属实的情况发生,本团队/人将承担一切由此引起的后果。三、参赛作品不存在知识产权纠纷或争议,并且承诺参赛作品为本团队/人原创作品,一切关于参赛作品的知识产权保护问题由本团队/人自行承担。 Declaration and UndertakingThe official rules related are all acknowledged and I/We hereby promise to comply with all the requirements.1. Agree to entitle the committee with the right to redesign, produce, display, publish and propagandize the entries in any other way. Other entity and/or individual shall not propagandize, publish and display the entries, and the entries shall not be transferred to any third party.2. All information in the application form and materials submitted are properly placed otherwise the team/ person shall undertake any consequences caused by any false or inaccurate information.3. No intellectual property disputes exist. The entries are original work and we/I will undertake the protection of intellectual property right.

2020’第八届魅力东方·中国国际内衣创意设计大赛 报名表

28题  |  2次引用

