关于耐克运动产品营销的问卷调查 (Questionnaire on Nike Sports Products Marketing)

亲爱的先生/女生: 本次调查问卷的目的是用于学术研究,旨在调查耐克的外部客户对耐克体育产品市场营销策略的反馈。我们承诺,本次问卷所收集的数据仅用于学术研究,不会用于商业或其他用途。我们恳切地希望您根据自身实际情况填写问卷,对此我们表示十分感谢! (Dear Sir/Madam: the purpose of this questionnaire is to investigate the feedback of Nike's external customers on the marketing strategy of Nike sports products for academic research. We promise that the data collected in this questionnaire will only be used for academic research and will not be used for commercial or other purposes. We sincerely hope that you can fill in the questionnaire according to your actual situation, for which we are very grateful!)

关于耐克运动产品营销的问卷调查 (Questionnaire on Nike Sports Products Marketing)

15题  |  7次引用

