关于博士后招收工作的调查问卷Survey on Postdoctoral Recruitment

Please note that the survey link will expire after 2PM on July 29

Q1:您对本实验室招收的博士后整体质量满意度如何?How satisfied are you with the overall quality of postdocs in your lab?

非常满意 Very satisfied
满意 Satisfied
一般 OK
不满意 Dissatisfied

Q2:与你过去在国外实验室接触的博士后比较,您认为本实验室的博士后水平如何?Comparing to the postdocs you worked with in previous laboratories abroad, what do you think of the postdoctoral level of your laboratory?

更优秀 Better
相当 Equivalent
偏弱 Worse

Q3:对于发布的每个博士后招聘岗位,在三个月内您收到的博士后申请人的数量如何?How many postdoctoral applications did you receive within three months after posting each postdoctoral recruitment advertisement?


Q4:您对于申请人的整体质量满意度如何?How satisfied are you with the overall quality of the postdoc applicants?

非常满意 Very satisfied 
满意 Satisfied 
一般 ok 
不满意 Dissatisfied

Q5:招聘博士后时您认为是否有必要组成博士后面试小组进行评审打分?Do you think it is necessary to form a postdoctoral recruitment team from the SLS when recruiting a postdoc?

有必要 Necessary 
没必要 Not necessary 
都可以 It doesn't matter

Q6:您对如何招收优秀的博士后有哪些建议?What are your suggestions on how to recruit excellent postdocs?


Q7:您对博士后日常培养和管理方面还有哪些建议?What are your suggestions on postdoctoral training and management?


关于博士后招收工作的调查问卷Survey on Postdoctoral Recruitment

7题  |  0次引用

