
尊敬的家长:       您好!孩子在幼儿园的成长离不开您的密切配合与支持,为了让您更好地了解孩子在园情况,我们进行了“家长开放日”活动。希望通过本次活动,能让您对孩子在园的学习生活有更深度、更直接、更全面的了解。同时,为更有效、有针对性地开展我园各项保教工作,我们诚邀您参与家长满意度调查,并予以公正、客观填写问卷信息,感谢您的支持和参与!Dear parents:        Kids' growth in kindergarten need your support and help. As a result, we held the "Opening Day to Parents" in order to let you know better about your kids. We hope you can have a more direct, more overall and deeper understanding of your kids' study and life in kindergarten. At the same time, in order to more effectively carry out pointed school work, we sincerely invite you to do below survey and fill in the form impartially and objectively. Thank you so much for your support and participation.


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