2021 ISA Festival Fashion Parade Registration| 2021爱莎日快闪时装秀报名

Welcome to sign up for 2021 ISA Festival Fashion Parade. Participants will have lucky draw gifts (Harry Potter scarf and Magic Wand set, Snack packs, HSBC Gift, Jian'ai Yogurt Gift packs, etc.)There are three Fashion Parade: 'Past' theme 14:26-14:37 'Present' theme 16:01-16:11 'Future' theme 17:34-17:45Location: AtriumThe specific time is subject to the announcement of the event broadcast. Please fill in the registration information and select the appropriate theme to participate. 欢迎报名参加2021爱莎日快闪时装秀。活动参与者将通过抽奖方式获得丰厚礼品(哈利波特围巾和魔法棒套装、零食大礼包、汇丰伴手礼、简爱酸奶大礼包等)。快闪时装秀一共有三场,分别为: “过去”主题 14:26-14:37 “现在”主题 16:01-16:11 “未来”主题 17:34-17:45地点:中庭广场具体时间以爱莎日活动现场广播通知为准。请填写报名信息及选择参与场次。

2021 ISA Festival Fashion Parade Registration| 2021爱莎日快闪时装秀报名

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