家长满意度调查问卷 Parents Satisfaction Questionnaire

尊敬的家长:Dear Parents:您好!Greetings!为了进一步提升树人学校国际部整体教育教学质量,同时为您提供优质的教学课后服务,诚挚邀请您填写此问卷。我们重视您的每一条反馈。此问卷为匿名填写,反馈内容绝对保密。请您放心填写,非常感谢您的配合。In order to improve the overall education and provide you with high-quality after-school services of the International Department of Shuren School. We sincerely invite you to fill out this questionnaire. We look forward to getting any feedback from you. This questionnaire is filled out anonymously and the feedback content is absolutely confidential. Please feel free to fill in, thank you very much.

家长满意度调查问卷 Parents Satisfaction Questionnaire

21题  |  0次引用

