
Choose your answer freely!

Q1:Do you want the teacher to speak English during the whole lesson? (课堂上,你希望老师一直说英语吗?)

Speak English all the time (一直说英语)
Speak Chinese when necessary (适当说中文)

Q2:When is better to introduce new words? (什么时候讲解单词更合适?)

Before analyzing the text (分析课文之前,先讲解生词)
When analyzing the text (一边分析课文,一边讲解单词)

Q3:Which interaction ways do you like?(你喜欢哪种互动方式?)

Work by yourself (单人活动)
Work in pairs (两人活动)
Work in group (小组活动)

Q4:Which teaching tools can arouse your learning interests and motivation? (哪些教学手段可以激发你们的学习兴趣和动力?)

Video materials (视频)
Audio materials (音频)
Pictures (图片)
Words (文字)

Q5:Which aspects do you think are important in this course? (你认为综合教程3中哪些方面比较重要?)

Vocabulary (词汇)
Grammar (语法)
Listening (听力)
Reading (读)
Speaking (读)
Writing (写)

Q6:Which aspects are you good at? (你哪些能力比较突出?)

Reading (说)
Listening (听)
Speaking (读)
Writing (写)


6题  |  0次引用

