Taozi Tree Yoga - New Member Survey | 新会员调查

Thank you for reaching out to TAOZI TREE YOGA and for expressing an interest in our Sanlitun studio and our growing Beijing yoga community. We offer yoga classes, events and trainings.感谢您联系 TAOZI TREE YOGA,感谢您对我们三里屯工作室和我们不断壮大的北京瑜伽社区表达了兴趣。我们提供瑜伽课程、活动和培训。To ensure that we provide the best possible service and meet all your yoga needs, we would be very grateful if you could answer a few introductory questions. They should take no more than 1-2 minutes to complete. Thank you. 为确保我们提供最好的服务并满足您的所有瑜伽方面的需求,如果您能回答一些介绍性问题,我们将不胜感激。它们应该不超过 1-2 分钟就能完成。谢谢你。

Taozi Tree Yoga - New Member Survey | 新会员调查

12题  |  0次引用

