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Q1:请选择您所在的年级 Select your grade

Staff (Teacher)


:情景1:你所在的城市刚刚发布了洪水I级(红色)预警,人们纷纷陷入惊恐和慌乱之中。Scene 1: Your city has just issued a flood level I warning. People are panicking.请根据上述情景回答下列问题:Please answer the following questions according to the above scenario:

Q2:你知道消息后的第一反应是?How did you react to the warning?

惊恐慌张,不知所措 Panic
镇定自若,冷静面对 Calm down
视若无睹,爱咋咋地 Turn a blind eye
听天由命,坐以待毙 Resign to fate

Q3:你的家人在一小时前外出处理事务,家里只有你一个人。在力量单薄的情况下,你会选择携带以下哪三件物品撤离?Your family was out an hour ago, and you were alone at home. In the case of weak strength, which three items would you choose to carry and evacuate?

手电筒/照明工具 Torch/Lighting Tools
贵重物品(e.g. 珠宝、黄金、钻石等)Valuables (e.g. jewelry, gold, diamonds, etc.)
卫星通讯工具 Communication Tools
紧急干粮(不包括饮料、水等饮品) Emergency Food (beverage, water and other drinks are not included)
传家宝 Heirloom
换洗衣物 Clothes
医用急救包 First-aid kit
城市地图 Map
游泳圈/救生衣 Swimming Ring/Life Jacket
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Q4:携带以上物品撤离前,你还会注意以下哪些地方?Before evacuation, which of the following would you pay attention to?

电源是否关闭 Whether the power is turned off
家门是否关好 Whether the door is closed
窗户是否关紧 Whether the windows are closed
煤气阀是否关闭 Whether the gas valve is closed
家具是否摆放整齐 Whether the furniture is arranged neatly
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Q5:准备就绪后,你会选择以下哪个地方躲避洪水?Which of the following places would you go to avoid flood after preparation?

地势较低的山谷 Valley
平房房顶 House Roof
马路边 Roadside
地势较高的山顶 Mountain Top
山里的洞穴 Cave
涵洞 Culvert
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:情景2:天有不测风云,洪水到来的时间比预想的早了不少,而此时你还在乘车前往安全地带的路上。洪水不断涌入你所在的车厢内。Scene 2: Unfortunately, the time that the flood arrives is far earlier than expected, but you are still on your way to the safe zone. Floodwater keep pouring into your vehicle.请根据上述情景回答下列问题:Please answer the following questions according to the above scenario:

Q6:此时的水位逐渐升高,车辆已熄火断电,你会采取以下哪种方式逃生?The water level is gradually rising and the vehicle has been turned off. Which of the following methods will you take to escape?

击打车窗的四角 Hit the corners of the window
使尽全力推开车门 Push the door as hard as you can
留在车内大声呼救 Stay inside and ask for help
击打挡风玻璃 Hit the windshield
拨打110或119寻求救援 Dial 110 or 119 for help
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Q7:打开车门后,你被卷入洪水中,此时你应该如何自救?After opening the car door, you are involved in the flood. How should you save yourself at this time?

随波逐流 Flow with the stream
寻找漂浮物,游泳逃生 Look for flotsam and swim to escape
寻找附近处境相同的人,抱团呼救 Look for others in the same boat nearby and call for help
大声呼救 Cry out for help
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Q8:假设你不会游泳,被卷入洪水或不慎落水后的你该如何自救?Assuming you cant swim, how do you save yourself if you get caught in a flood or accidentally fall into the water?

随波逐流 Flow with the stream
拍打水面,引起他人注意,等待救援 Slap the water to attract attention and wait for rescue
大声呼救 Cry out for help
放松全身,让身体漂浮在水面上,头部浮出水面,用脚蹬水 Relax your whole body, and let your body float on the water. Keep your head is on the surface and kick the water with your feet
爬上电线杆/树干 Climb up a utility pole/trunk
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:情景3:抵达安全地带后,陆续又有几批幸存者和伤员被转移至你们这里。由于人手紧缺,警方希望你能协助他们的救援工作。Scene 3: After arriving at the safety zone, several groups of survivors and wounded were transferred here one after another. Due to the shortage of manpower, the police would like you to assist in their rescue.请根据上述情景回答下列问题:Please answer the following questions according to the above scenario:

Q9:溺水者被救上岸后的4~5分钟是最佳救治时间,你会选择以下哪三个方法对其进行救治?The best treatment time is 4 to 5 minutes after a drowning person is rescued ashore. Which of the following THREE methods would you choose to treat it?

人工呼吸 Artificial Respiration
腹水治疗 Bellydration Treatment
胸外按压 External-Chest Cardiac Massage
开放气道 Open Airway
开胸心脏按压 Open-Chest Cardiac Massage
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Q10:你认为该如何将溺水者呛进体内的水倒出?How to assist a drowning person to spit water out?

使溺水者平趴(胸腹部与面部贴地,背部朝上)在平地上,使劲拍打其背部 Put the drowning person on the ground (abdomen and face cling to the ground, back up) on the level ground and slap their back vigorously
使溺水者平躺(胸腹部与面部朝上,背部贴地)在平地上,进行胸外按压,同时打开其口腔使空气流通 Lay the drowning person on the ground (abdomen and face up, back cling to the ground) on a level ground and perform chest compressions. Open his mouth to allow air circulation at the same time
双手从溺水者背后抱其腹部,并使其头、胸向下,将水倒出 Wrap the hands around the person's abdomen from behind and squeeze, turn the head and chest down, and pour out the water
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Q11:假如你此时看到有人落入洪水,你会怎样实施救援?If you saw someone falling into the flood at this time, how would you rescue him?

呼喊他人来帮忙 Cry out for help
跳入水中救援 Swim to rescue
将身边的漂浮物扔进水中 Throw the floating objects around you to him
大声向TA喊相关自救方法 Shout out to him about self-rescue methods
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:情景4:几天后,洪水虽已退去,城市中的部分设施和房屋损毁严重,多数家庭的生活受到影响。Scene 4: A few days later, although the floodwaters have receded, some facilities and houses in the city were severely damaged, affecting the lives of most families.请根据上述情景回答下列问题:Please answer the following questions according to the above scenario:

Q12:以下哪些方法可以用于处理接触到洪水的身体部位?Which of the following methods can be used to treat body parts that come into contact with floodwater?

用肥皂和清水清洗 Wash with soap and water
用蒸馏水清洗 Wash with distilled water
用含酒精的纸巾消毒 Disinfect with alcohol-based towels
用碘伏消毒 Disinfect with iodophor
热敷 Hot compress
必要时就医 Seek medical attention if necessary
无需医疗处理 No medial treatment required
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Q13:被洪水浸泡或污染的衣物该如何处理?What to do with flooded or contaminated clothing?

用热水洗 Wash with hot water
用冷水洗 Wash with cold water
用手搓洗 Wash with hands
用洗涤剂洗 Wash with detergent
用热水和洗涤剂清洗 Wash with hot water and detergent
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Q14:洪水后,环境、水源与食品卫生安全必定受到严重影响。人们应该注意以下哪些事项?After the flood, the environment, water source and food hygiene and safety will be seriously affected. Which of the following should people be aware of?

不食用腐坏变质或被污水浸泡过的食物 Do not eat spoiled or soaked food
不食用被淹死的禽畜与水产品 Do not eat drowned livestock and aquatic products
使用餐具前需将其消毒 Disinfect utensils before using them
使用家具前需将其清洗 Clean furniture before using them
清理住所附近的污泥浊水 Clean up the mud and water near the residence
将用于盛水的容器洗净 Wash the utensils used to fill with water
对井水、河水、湖水等进行消毒 Disinfection of well water, river water, lake water, etc.
使用明矾澄清污染严重的水 Using alum to clean highly contaminated water
使用过滤器过滤被污染的水中的杂质和泥沙 Use filters to filter impurities and sediment from contaminated water
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Q15:【附加】您之前主要通过什么渠道了解了以上关于防洪、急救的相关知识?【Extra】What channel did you mainly use to learn the above knowledge about flood control and first aid?

软件推文(e.g. 微信公众号、微博帖子、百家号等)Software Tweets (e.g. subscriptions, posts on Weibo, Baijiahao, etc.)
亲友或教师分享 Sharing from family, friends or teachers
公共宣传海报/广告 Posters or advertisements
其他 Others
从不关注此类话题 Never pay attention to such topics


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