学生意见调查 Student Perception survey

亲爱的同学们,开学已一月有余,相信你已基本适应学习的节奏,按部就班完成学习任务,达成学业要求,教务处为了进一步了解你的需求以及授课教师的水平,邀请你参与以下问卷,真实告知我们信息,以便我们能更好地支持你的学习。Dear students, it has been more than a month since the beginning of the semester. It is believed that you have basically adapted to the academic atmosphere and can complete your study tasks step by step to meet the academic requirements. In order to meet your needs and check the teaching quality of teachers, MSMO invites you to participate in the following survey, please write down your true information so that the school can better support you with your study.

学生意见调查 Student Perception survey

12题  |  0次引用

