金茂三亚亚龙湾丽思卡尔顿酒店培训需求调查 Learning Needs Survey 2016

This survey is aiming to know your expectation for the hotel/departmental training programs.
您加入酒店的时间?How long have you been working for The Ritz-Carlton Sanya, Yalong Bay?
1年内 Within 1 year
1-3年 1-3 years
3-5年 3-5 years
5年以上 More than 5 years
你所在的部门是?Which department are you working at?
房务部对客服务(前厅,礼宾,行政酒廊,别墅,水疗,防损,康乐)Rooms- Front-of- House
工程部 Engineering
餐饮服务 Food Beverage
厨房 Culinary
行政后线部门(市场销售,人力资源,财务,行政办)Heart of House (SM, HR, Finance, EO)
你的职位是?What is your position?
经理 Manager
副经理 Assistant Manager
主管/领班 Supervisor/Captain
员工 Employee
实习生 Intern
你认为自己是否接收到足够的岗位专业技能培训?Do yo think you have enough on-job skill training?
是 Yes
不 No
你参加部门内部培训的频率是怎样的?How often do you attend a departmental training?
每天 Daily
每周 Weekly
每月 Monthly
每季度 Quarterly
偶尔 Seldomly
从没参加过 Never
据你的了解,部门培训师是如何开展部门培训的?How does the learning coach conduct the departmental training in your section?
按照月度计划进行培训 According to Monthly Learning Plan
偶尔有空时进行培训 Seldomly conduct the training if not unders busy operation
大部分时间为新员工培训 Most of time on new employees/ trainees
没有固定的培训计划 No training plan
据你的了解,部门经理参与部门培训的情况如何?How often does your manager get involved in the departmental training?
非常重视,制定培训计划并亲自开展培训 Pay much attention on the training and conduct the training in person according to the Learning Plan
监督和支持,但不直接参与 Monitor and support but not get directly involved
空闲时才会参与 Attend the training whenthe manager is available
经理很忙,很少参与部门培训 Manager is busy; rarely attend the training
你认为部门培训对工作的指导性和有效性如何?(5分最高)Please grade the efficiency of departmental training. (5 is highest)
你认为部门培训可以怎样改进?In which aspects do you think your departmental training can be improved?
更多的培训课程 More Courses
更贴近工作的培训内容 Content much closer to dailywork
更长的培训时间 Longer time
更有效的培训员(增强培训员的培训技巧)More effective training ( strengthen the skill of learning coach)
更多样的培训形式 More training forms
更合理的时间安排 More suitable time arrangement
你对于丽思卡尔顿文化及黄金标准的了解程度?How well do you understand The Ritz-Carlton's culture and Gold Standards?
非常了解 Very Well
比较熟悉 Average
不确定 Not sure
你参加本部门的部门例会频率是怎样的?How often do you attend Daily Line-Up?
每天/次 Daily
每周/次 Weekly
每月/次 Monthly
每季度/次 Quarterly
偶尔 Seldomly
从不 Never
请从以下的培训发展项目中选择对你来说最重要的三项。What areas listed below are the most 3 important training programs to you?
员工入职培训 Orientation
黄金标准及企业文化 Gold Standards Culture
酒店产品知识培训 Product Knowledge
岗位技能培训 On-job skill training
品牌审查标准 Brand Audit Standard
中层管理层领导力培训 Mid-level management leadership training
酒店内部交叉培训 Inernal cross training
其他工作技能培训(语言,电脑使用等)Other job related training (language, Microsoft,etc.)
化妆礼仪培训 Make-up Etiquette
就目前酒店内开展的培训项目而言,你最喜欢的是哪项培训?(可多选)Which classes are your favorite ones? (Multiple choice)
入职培训 Orientation
21天 Day 21
365天周年庆祝 Day 365
优质服务三步骤 3-Steps of Service
实践我们的员工承诺 Living our Employee Promise
管理者必备技能培训 Essential Skills for Supervisors Managers
你希望在酒店增加什么样类别的培训?请简述。Which kind of training would you like us to add in the hotel?
你有什么好的建议帮助我们为你提供更优质的学习环境和成长机会?Do you have any other suggestions to help us provide you with a better learning environment and growth opportunities?