English version of Chinese Martial Arts Fictions

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Have you ever heard of Chinese Martial Arts Fiction and known anything about Chinese Martial Arts Fiction?
No (Direct to Q8)
Did you ever read any Chinese Martial Arts Fictions or watch any related movies and TV serials?
Yes, I've read some English versions or watched some movies
Yes, I've read or watched some fragments
Yes, I've heard of some books and movies
No, never heard ofit(Direct to Q8)
Have you ever read following books (English version) before?
Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain
The Deer and Cauldron
TheBook and the Sword
How did you get the English version?
From website
Buy books
Other ways
Do you like those English translations?
Which do you pay most attention?
The story itself
The Chinese culture in it
The language
How do you evaluate the English translation?
Readable just like reading original English fiction
Readable and good for learning Chinese culture but sometimes hard to understand
Unreadable, and hard to understand
Do you want to read more translated Chinese Martial Arts Fictions?

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