Do students at the University of Surrey manage their finances and how can they improve this?

Hello, I am working on the research ' Do students at the University of Surrey manage their finances and how can they improve this? ' I will appreciate it if you could help me finish this questionnaire! This questionnaire is ANONYMOUS and the result will ONLY  be used in my research. So you do not have to worry about your privacy. THANK YOU!

What is your gender?
What is your age?
Bellow 19
Over 30
What is your nationalist?
How much money do you budget to cover your life monthly?(except for the payment of accommodation)
Bellow £200
£200- £500
£501- £800
Over £800
No budget
How much money will you pay on your accommodation monthly?
Bellow £200
£200- £400
£401- £600
£601- £800
Over £800
Don't know
Please rank the following areas according to your expenditure on them. '1' is the area that you spend most money on. '5' is the area that you spend least money on.
Accommodation(including the bill)
Social life(festival gift, romantic consumption and so on)
Entertainment(Traveling, Concert, Sports Event and so on)
Traffic(including fuel consumption)
Do you have a habit of taking notes of your daily outgoings and incomes?
Only for the larger outgoings and incomes(over £50)
Yes, I note every item
Do you know the interest rate of your bank?
Do you have a credit card?
Do you have an overdraft?(If you have an overdraft, you have spent more money than you have in your bank account, and so you are in debt to the bank. )

If you do, how much money can you overdraft?

And do you know the period that you do not have to pay the interest? About how many days?

Have you ever had problems with your personal finance?(For example, cannot pay your bills, run out of money before the next income)
Do you spend all your money every month?
If you have money left over at the end of the month, what do you do with it?(multiple choice)
Save in a current account
Save in a saving account
Do some short investment
Save for future plan: traveling, concert, sports event, emergency situation
Buy a insurance
Never think about it

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