
CWSW 2014 Second Half Year Red Restaurant Opinion Survey


       It is not easy for Red restaurant to achieve todays employee satisfaction. During past 4 years, Red restaurant developed from noting to nowdays everything, start from catering by outside restaurant to cooking by ourselves, start from not too satisfy to satisfied. In order to keep serving delicious food to employee, we are inviting every one to fill this opinion survey for us. Thank you for your supporting! 

请选择您的部门 Please Tick Your Department
行政办公室 EO
财务部 Finance
人力资源部 HR
市场销售部 SM
餐饮部 FB
客房部 HSKP
前厅部 FO
水疗和健身房 SpaHC
保安部 Security
工程部 Engineering
厨房 Kitchen
您的工作年限 Service Period in CWSW
0 - 6月 0 - 6 Months
0.5 - 1年 0.5 - 1 Year
1-2年 1 - 2 Years
2-3年 2 - 3 Years
4 -5年 4 - 5 Years

请就红餐厅的整体满意度做出评分 Overall Satisfaction

满意 Excellent
一般 Average
请就四道主菜做出评分 Four Main Courses 
满意 Excellent
一般 Average
不满意 Dissatisfied
请就每日健康菜做出评分 Daily Healthy Dish
满意 Excellent
一般 Average
不满意 Dissatisfied
请就米饭、面条、包子和其它面食做出评分 Rice, Noodle and Other Cooked Wheaten Food
满意 Excellent
一般 Average
不满意 Dissatisfied
请就沙拉吧做出评分 Salad Bar
满意 Excellent
一般 Average
不满意 Dissatisfied
请就咸菜做出评分 Pickles
满意 Excellent
一般 Average
不满意 Dissatisfied
请就汤/粥做出评分 Soups
满意 Excellent
一般 Average
不满意 Dissatisfied
请就种类及搭配做出评分Food Types and Collocation
满意 Excellent
一般 Average
不满意 Dissatisfied
请就食物温度做出评分 Food Temperature
满意 Excellent
一般 Average
不满意 Dissatisfied
请就饮品质量做出评分 Beverage Quality
满意 Excellent
一般 Average
不满意 Dissatisfied
请就食品卫生做出评分 Food Hygiene
满意 Excellent
一般 Average
不满意 Dissatisfied
请就餐具清洁做出评分 Dishes Cleanness
满意 Excellent
一般 Average
不满意 Dissatisfied
请就环境清洁做出评分 Restaurant Environment Cleanness
满意 Excellent
一般 Average
不满意 Dissatisfied
请就红餐厅员工--友善态度做出评分 Restaurant  Service Team--Friendliness  
满意 Excellent
一般 Average
不满意 Dissatisfied
请就红餐厅员工--礼貌问好做出评分 Restaurant Service Team--Politeness
满意 Excellent
一般 Average
不满意 Dissatisfied
请就环境及设施--空气调节/通风系统做出评分 Facility--Ventilation System
满意 Excellent
一般 Average
不满意 Dissatisfied
您喜欢的菜系 What is your favorite food Type
川菜 Sichuan Food
京味菜 Local Food
粤菜 Guangdong Food
东北菜 Dongbei Food
其它 Other
您喜欢的主食 What is your favorite main meal
米饭 Rice
面条 Noodle
饺子 Dumpling
包子 Steamed Stuffed Bun
肉饼 Meat Pie
其它 Other
您喜欢的菜品 Please provide your favorite dish
涮羊肉 Boiled Lamb
手工大包子 Handmade Bun
麻辣烫 Ma La Tang
羊蝎子 Lamb Spine Hot Pot
黑椒猪排 Pork Ribs with Black Pepper
尖椒肉丝 Fried Shreded Pork with Green Capsicum
炒肝 Chaogan
煮馄饨 Boiled Wonton
素食 Vegetarian Food
炸鸡腿 Fried Chicken Leg
炒烤肉 Fried Meat
红烧狮子头 Braised Pork Ball in Brown Sauce
宫保鸡丁 Kung Pao Chicken
酸辣粉 Hot and Sour Rice Noodle

如上题中没有你喜欢的菜品,请告知我们你喜欢的一道菜品; 如以包括,请提交问卷 

If above question does not include your favorite dish, please fill it in below blank for us. If already included, please push below button to finish


23题 | 被引用0次
