Questionnaire HK PR Professionals

Dear PR Professional:

Thank you for agreeing to participate in this survey as part of an important study about the state of public relations in Hong Kong. The purpose of this study is to document important changes in public relations due to the impact of new media.
Please be assured that your responses will remain confidential and results of the survey will be reported in aggregate form only. This survey is being conducted by public relations students Mengting XU from the City University of Hong Kong.For questions about the study, please contact Prof. Annette Willnat at

Thank you very much for your time,

Annette Willnat
Visiting Professor
City University of Hong Kong
First, would you please tell us what position you  currently hold in your organization?
In what year did you become a full-time employee at  your current organization?
How many years have you worked in public relations?
All things  considered, how satisfied are you with your present job?
Very satisfied
Fairly satisfied
Some what dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Don't Know
Do you supervise any public relations employees?
Don't know
How much freedom do you usually have in your work as a  PR practitioner?
Almost complete freedom
A great deal
None at all
Don't know
Next, we would like to ask you a few questions about the impact of social media (such  as Facebook or Twitter)  on the work of PR practitioners in Hong Kong.

Does your organization have a policy or official  guidelines for the use of social media?
Don't know
Does your organization provide training for the use of  social media?
Don't know
Do you use social media in your work as a PR  practitioner?
Don't know
How important is social media for doing your work?
Very important
Not very important
Not important at all
Don't know
How often do you use social media in your work as a PR  practitioner?
Less than once a week
Once a week
Several times a week
Once a day
More than once a day
Don't know
On an average day, how much time do you spend using  social media in your work as a PR practitioner?
Less than 30 minutes
Between 30 minutes and 1 hour
Between 1 and less than 2 hours
Between 2 and less than 3 hours
Between 3 and less than4 hours
Between 4 and less than 5 hours
Between 5 and less than 6 hours
More than 6 hours
Don't know
How often do  you use the following types of social media in your work as a PR practitioner?  For each statement, please tell us whether you do them regularly, occasionally, seldom, or never.
Regularly Occasionally Seldom Never
Blogs authored by PR professionals
Blogs authored by regular citizens
Microblogging site, such as Twitter
Professional social networking sites, such as Linkedin
Audio-visual sharing sites, such as YouTube, Flickr, or Tumblr
Content communities and crowd-sourcing sites, such as Wikipedia
How do you use social media in your daily work as a PR  practitioner? Please select all that apply.
Monitor discussions on social media about my field of work
Interview sources
Find sources I would other wise not be aware of or have access to
Verify information
Find additional information
Meet new people in my field of work
Follow some one on social media I met in my field of work
Keep in touch with my clients
Post comments on work-related social media
Reply to comments on work-related social media
Other, please specify
How would you rate your knowledge of social media  tools for PR-related work?
Don't know
Overall, how would you rate the impact of social media  on your work as a PR practitioner?
Very positive
Some what positive
Neither negative nor positive
Some what negative
Very negative
Don't know
Please tell us how much you agree or disagree with the following statements about the impact of social media on your work as a PR practitioner. For each statement, please tell us whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree no disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree.
Stronglyagree Agree Neitheragreenordisagree Disagree Stronglydisagree Don'tknow
Using social media allows me to promote myself and my workmuch better
Because of social media, I ammore engaged with my audience
Because of social media, Icommunicate better with people relevant to my work
Social media has improved myproductivity
Social media has decreased mydaily workload
Using social media enhances my credibility as a PR practitioner
Overall, how would you rate the impact of social media on the PR profession? 
Very positive
Some what positive
Some what negative
Very negative
Don't know
Please tell us how much you agree or disagree with the following statements about  the impact of social media on the public relations profession in general. For each  statement, please tell us whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree no disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree. 
Stronglyagree Agree Neitheragree nordisagree Disagree Stronglydisagree Don'tknow
Social media is underminingtraditional public relations
Social media threatens thequality of public relations
Social media makes publicrelations more accountable tothe public
User-generated contentthreatens the integrity of publicrelations
Online public relations hassacrificed accuracy for speed
The following questions are asked for statistical  purposes only. All information will be kept strictly confidential. What is the  highest grade of school or level of education you have completed?

No school or kindergarten
Under high school
Completed high school
Vocational or technical school beyond high school
1-3 years of college
Graduated from college
Some graduate work, no degree
Master's degree
Doctorate, law, or medical degree
Don't know
Are you:
In what year were you born?
Were you born in Hong Kong, China or somewhere else?
Hong Kong
Somewhere else
In general, would you describe your political views as:
Very conservative
Very liberal
Don't know
Finally, we'd like to ask you some financial information. We'd like to note once again that all information you provide will be treated in strict confidence. Would you please tell us what your monthly income is, before taxes, from your work in public relations?

Less than HK$10,000
HK$10,000 to less than HK$15,000
HK$15,000 to less than HK$20,000
HK$20,000to less than HK$25,000
HK$25,000to less than HK$30,000
HK$30,000to less than HK$35,000
HK$35,000to less than HK$40,000
HK$40,000 to less than HK$45,000
HK$45,000to less than HK$50,000
HK$50,000to less than HK$55,000
HK$55,000to less than HK$60,000
HK$60,000 to less than HK$65,000
More than HK$80,000
HK$75,000 to less than HK$80,000
Don't know
HK$65,000 to less than HK$70,000

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