Bayer DB 2018-SH Brand New English Training Sign-up System

English Proficiency-join and enjoy!  Welcome to register our training!

Guidelines for Survey & Training Sign-up (2018 Session) 

1. Approval of your manager to attend the training is needed. ( confirmation in writing )(老板书面批准, 了解预算)

2. Elite team might contact you to rearrange your choices if there is an overwhelming amount of participants in one group.(如有冲突 同意沟通协调)(会邮件或电话与您沟通)

Duly noted
Please kindly write down your basic information
Chinese Name    ____________
Line Manager    ____________
Applicant CWID    ____________
Office Cell    ____________
E-mail    ____________

When would you probably be available for the course- Business Communication Strategy ?

(One class per week, 2 hours per class)

Morning on Weekdays (To be confirmed), such as 10-12 or 11-13
Afternoon on Weekdays (To be confirmed), such as: 13-15 or 15-17
I would like to choose other courses, such as :

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