内训课程满意度反馈表-8.23 南京

Thanks for your participation, please mark“your points”which you think is the best representation for this course to help improving this course.感谢您参与此次调查反馈,请按要求在每项中填入您认为最恰当表达您观点的分数或描述,以便我们提升本课程的效果! 

Course Name :  课程名称:高效能人士的七个习惯
Coacher's Name:  授课讲师姓名:方明
Course Adress:   南京

Please evaluate each index by the points (10 points means the most satisfactory, 1point means the less satisfactory). 请以10分制为标准对以下项目进行评分(10分为非常满意,1分为非常不满意)
10分 9分 8分 7分 6分 5分 4分 3分 2分 1分
A. Handout of Faculty 课程讲义的评价
A1. Handout content is complete内容完整性
A2. Handout content is informative 内容信息量丰富
A3. Handout is updated timely 内容更新及时
B. Teaching Quality of Faculty 讲师的教学水平整体评价
B1. Teaching attitude is positive,Be careful, warm-hearted , patient, earnest and friendly to students 教学态度积极,对学生关心、热心、耐心、诚恳、友好
B2. Clear communication and thorough explanation 表达明确清晰,讲解深入浅出,能帮助学员快速掌握课程要点
B3. Cases were current and practical 案例生动新颖,紧密联系实际,能给个人或工作带来借鉴
C. Academic Standard of Faculty 讲师的学术水平的整体评价
C1. Theoretical excellence and academic rigor 有较高的理论性和学术性
C2. Content was thought provoking, insightful 授课内容启发思考,富有洞察力
D. Teaching Style and Class Management of Faculty课堂艺术与管理的整体评价
D1. Use humor and animated delivery to hold students attention 教学生动幽默
D2. Teacher is interactive strongly with students 与学员互动性强
D3. Teaching speed is suitable,language is clear授课语速适当,语言清晰
E. Course benefits of students 学员的课程收获整体评价
E1. Grasped some theories concepts 掌握了相关的理论和概念
E2. Developed my research thought , improved my learning ability 拓展了研究思路,提升了本人的学习能力
F. Teaching Supporting 教学支持的评价
F1. Service attitude is good 服务态度良好
F2. Serve timely and effective 服务及时有效
F3. Communicate with students actively 积极与学员沟通
G. Classroom and Equipments 教学场地和设备的整体评价
G1. Classroom is big enough to accommodate students and fully equipped 教室空间足够,教室设备齐全
G2. Classroom is quiet for teaching and has almost no noise 教室安静,几乎没有噪音
*** Overall Evaluation 对课程的总体满意度
Please give an overall summary of this course. 请描述参与本课程的总体评价与感受(至少三项)
Questions and Help needed when you implement this course to future work.  

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