英文版-TrainingNeeds Survey - Associate Level

1.您对于2018年学习发展工作的整体满意度是Your overall satisfaction with training and development work in 2018
1分-非常不满意~5分非常满意 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
2.学习内容有助于您在日常工作中提升胜任力Training content can help you improve the competence in daily work
1分-非常不同意~5分非常同意 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
请根据每条胜任力的行为描述,选择自己最迫切需要提升的3项(结果导向)According to the behavior description of each competency, please choose the 3 that you most urgently need to improve (Results Orientation)
● 为自己设定具挑战性且可实现的目标。Sets challenging but realistic objectives for himself/herself
● 追踪并测评结果。Tracks and measures results
● 达成符合团队计划的目标和结果。Delivers objectives and results that are relevant to the team’s plans
● 找出困难和问题并告知团队。Identifies problems and issues and informs the team
● 按时高效的完成工作。Takes ownership for completing tasks on time and with a sense of speed
● 勇于承担更高目标。Holds self accountable for accomplishing stretching objectives
2.2019内训师项目,您最期望参加的3门课程是(可在选项对应的框中做详细描述)In the internal trainer program of 2019, the 3 courses you most expect to take are (can make detailed description)
1)PPT系列课程 PPT series courses
2)Excel系列课程 Excel series courses
3)跨文化沟通课程 Cross-cultural communication courses
4)时间管理课程 Time management courses
5)商务演讲课程 business speech courses
6)沟通表达课程 Communication and expression courses
7)结构化思维训练课程 Structured thinking training courses
8)解决问题的工具-PDCA Problem solving tool -PDCA
9)心理学系列课程 Psychology series courses
10)商务礼仪 Business etiquette
11)其它(请列出)Others (please list)