
总体内容符合培训目标The contents of the program align with the objectives
不同意 Disagree
不太同意 Slightly disagree
基本同意 Agree
非常同意 Strongly agree
讲师在该培训主题上表现出应有的专业水准The trainer shows appropriate professionalism in the relevant training field
不同意 Disagree
不太同意 Slightly disagree
基本同意 Agree
非常同意 Strongly agree
表达能力好The trainer shows good presentation skills
不同意 Disagree
不太同意 Slightly disagree
基本同意 Agree
非常同意 Strongly agree
老师的总体教学令人满意The training delivery is generally satisfactory
不同意 Disagree
不太同意 Slightly disagree
基本同意 Agree
非常同意 Strongly agree
您愿意向他人推荐该讲师的这门课程You will recommend this course of the trainer to others
不同意 Disagree
不太同意 Slightly disagree
基本同意 Agree
非常同意 Strongly agree