
Benny Huang - Employee Peformance Evaluation

IntegrityHonest, mature, professional, has the right moral principles and values.诚实正直,具备完全的职业品性与道德,成熟,客观,不盲从,有正确的价值观,廉洁、诚信与正直。
EfficiencyWork task completion and speed of delivery in an orderly manner.在保证工作任务的完成效率及交付速度同时能按事情的轻重缓急有序进行。
Communication SkillsCommunication skills with all parties, defuse conflicts, convince people, negotiation skills. 与人沟通,关系协调,化解矛盾,说服他人,以及人际交往的能力。
ResponsibilityTake full responsibility of own job, act with a high sense of duty as representative of the company, Makes good choice for the company on top of everything.对工作的责任心,主人翁意识,视公司利益为上,勇于承担。