

BAre you listening, Simon? Simons teacher asked. It was a pretty usual question.Simon shook his head, smiling. He hardly listened or tried hard in class. Talking was so much fun. He wanted to be beard rather than listen.“Listen, and yoifll leam something. Mrs. Jacobs tried every day, but Simon never paid attention.That evening, his throat really hurt. The next morning, when he opened his mouth to say Good morning, nothing came out but a croak.Simons mother looked at him. Honey, youve lost your voice.“Can I stay home? He tried to ask, but words didnt come out. Instead, his mother checked him for a fever and decidedbrit was good for him to go to school, even if he couldift talk.When he got to school Mrs. Jacobs said Hello to him, and he just nodded. When his friends asked him what TV shows he watched last night, he just shrugged. By the time the bell rang for class, almost everyone was looking at him as if hed grown a third eye.Penny raised her hand. Mrs. Jacobs, why isnt Simon talking?He never stops talking, Richard said worriedly.brEveryone started talking at once. They were excited, worried, and surprised.Simon sat in class, bored. He watched them talk to each other as if the teacher wasnt there, but he couldnt even do that. In math class he could hold up fingers if the answer was less than 10, but that wasnt fun. He decided to try to pay attention.He could do his homework that night, It gave him TV and game time with his work all done.The next day, even though his voice was coming back, he stayed quiet again.The third day, he could talk fine, but he listened and raised his hand to speak.What a difference that one day made!
What is the best title for the text?
A. Are you talking?
C. Is your voice OK?
8. Are you listening?
D. Is your school fun?
CCait, IL was trying to fall asleep when her 8-year-old brother, Doug, came into her room. He looked around, but seemed really out of it. Then Doug went back into the hallway and stood there looking straight up at the light. This was really strange. Cait didnt know what to do. Just then, Caits father appeared and explained Doug was sleepwalking.Not all sleep is the same every night. We experience some deep, quiet sleep and some active sleep, which is when dreams happen. You might think sleepwalking would happen during active sleep, but a person isnt physically active during active sleep. It usually happens in the first few hours of sleep in the period called deep sleep.The truth is that not all sleepwalkers walk. Some simply sit up or stand in bed or act like theyre awake when in fact, theyre asleep! Most, however, do get up and walk around for a few seconds or for as long as half an hour.Sleepwalkers eyes are open, but they dont see the same way they do when theyre awake. They tend to go back to bed on their own and wont remember it in the morning.You also might have heard that sleepwalkers can get frightened if you wake them up.Thats true, so what do you do if you sec someone sleepwalking? You should call for a grown-up who can lead the person back to bed. And once the sleepwalker is tucked back in bed. its time for you to get some sleep, too!
When does sleepwalking usually happen?
A. During active sleep
B. In the first few hours of sleep.
C When dreams begin.
D. When were trying to fall asleep.