
Topic 5.1-5.6 Memory 01

Knowledge of different categories of trees and where they grow best is an example of what kind of long-term memory?
A. episodic memory
B. semantic memory
C. procedural memory
D. emotional memory
E. implicit memory
Which of the following statements about information processing model of memory is correct?
A it shows us how information is processed in a parallel way
B it says that short-term memory has more than one day’s duration
C it says that long-term memory has unlimited capacity
D it says that sensory memory can last for more than one minute
E it shows us that rehearsal is important to get information from sensory memory to
short-term memory
A childhood friend asked Jeffrey whether he remembered where they went on summer vacation when they were eight years old. Jeffrey’s ability to recall correctly will rely on which of the following?
A Recognition memory
B State-dependent memory
C The method of loci
D Implicit memory
E Episodic memory
Memory research indicates that memories may be physically stored in the brain through strengthened connections between brain neurons. What is this process called?
A. proactive interference
B. long-term potentiation
C. state-dependent memory
D. semantic memory
E. information-processing model
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