
ISA Tianhe Parent Satisfactory Survey – Primary爱莎天河家长满意度调查 – 小学

What IB Learner Profile do you think your child has developed?你的孩子在IB学习者特质哪方面获得了培养和发展?
Inquirers 探究者
Knowledgeable 知识渊博
Thinkers 思考者
Communicators 交流者
Principled 有原则的人
Open-minded 思想开放
Caring 关心他人
Risk-takers 冒险者
Balanced 平衡发展
Reflective 反思者
How satisfied are you with the schools cultivation of personal characteristics, interests and talents?您对学校在学生的个性培养和兴趣激发领域是否满意?
Very satisfied 非常满意
Satisfied 满意
Basically satisfied 基本满意
Could be improved 有待改进
What areas would you like to see improved?满意或有待改进之处:
How satisfied are you with the Chinese courses at ISA Tianhe?您对学校的中文课程是否满意?
Satisfied 满意
Basically satisfied 基本满意
Could be improved 有待改进
What areas would you like to see improved?满意或有待改进之处:
How satisfied are you with the math courses at ISA Tianhe?您对学校的数学课程是否满意?
Satisfied 满意
Basically satisfied 基本满意
Could be improved 有待改进
What areas would you like to see improved?满意或有待改进之处:
How satisfied are you with the evaluation test at ISA Tianhe?您对学校的评估测试是否满意?
Satisfied 满意
Basically satisfied 基本满意
Could be improved 有待改进
What areas would you like to see improved?满意或有待改进之处: