
Technology-mediated communication: How it influences the communication behavior among college students in China

您的性别 What is your sex?
男性 Male
女性 Female
您是否有一个能上网的电脑吗?Do you have a computer that can connect to the Internet?
有 Yes
没有 No
您通过社交媒体而不是面对面与朋友们交谈的频率?How often do you talk with someone on social media/networking app instead of talking to them in person?
总是 Always
经常 Frequently
有时 Sometimes
很少 Rarely
决不 Never
On an average day, how much time do you spend with each of the following communication activity? 您每日平均花多长时间在以下沟通活动上?
多于5小时 More than 5 hours 3-5小时3-5 hours 1-3小时1-3 hours 少于1小时 Less than 1 hours 从不 Never
手机发短信Cell Phone (text message)
手机打电话 Cell phone (Talking only)
社交软件 Social media/networkingapp
面对面聊天 Face to Face chat
您觉得频繁使用社交媒体交流会对个人的书面表达能力产生消极影响吗?Do you think constantly use social media/networking app for communication will cause negative impacts on individuals competency in writing skills?
会 Yes
不会 No