
21_09_30 C2 How to Engage Audiences Choosing Film Teams (Film 5-8)

姓名 (classname followed by Chinese characters)
Film 6Negative SpaceA Film by Tiny Inventions, Ru Kuwahata (Japan) Max Porter (US), 2017, 530http://www.tinyinventions.com
I will share the survey data on skills and film ideas. Please think of ideas for selecting film teams (how many in each team, how to choose). You may write your idea of how to do this here OR be prepared to discuss in class.
Does the directors choice of film style and pacing match the emotion and meaning of the story? Is there anything you would do differently?
Yes, the film style and pacing are suited to the story
no, the style and /or pacing do not suit the story. (What would you do differently?)
Is there any additional information or context a mainland Chinese audience would need to understand this film?
Yes (explain what )
no, even a Chinese national who has no cross-cultural experience andno exposure to foreign media could understand and feel engaged