
加拿大阿尔伯塔大学工商管理硕士研究生项目教学质量评估表Course Evaluation and Student Opinion of Teaching Survey The University of Alberta-MBA

The teaching process was organized reasonable.教学过程合理有序。
Strongly Agree(5分)
Somewhat Agree(4分)
Somewhat Disagree(3分)
Strongly Disagree(2分)
Not applicable(1分)
The instructor is knowledgeable about course content.老师对于该学科了解广泛深刻。
Strongly Agree(5分)
Somewhat Agree(4分)
Somewhat Disagree(3分)
Strongly Disagree(2分)
Not applicable(1分)
Instructor stimulates my interest in the subject matter.老师激发了我对这个学科的兴趣。
Strongly Agree(5分)
Somewhat Agree(4分)
Somewhat Disagree(3分)
Strongly Disagree(2分)
Not applicable(1分)
Good professional ethic, care about students. 注重师德,关心学生。
Strongly Agree(5分)
Somewhat Agree(4分)
Somewhat Disagree(3分)
Strongly Disagree(2分)
Not applicable(1分)
What portion or aspect of the course was most beneficial to you? Or, what did you learn that was of greatest interest and is likely to be most useful? 这门课哪一部分是你受益最多?或者,什么最让你感兴趣的而且可能会是最有用的?