
Cathy Xu - Employee Peformance Evaluation

Continuous ImprovementStriving to always improve him/herself in any professional aspects.努力在专业领域中不断提高自己的工作能力。
IntegrityHonest, mature, professional, has the right moral principles and values.诚实正直,具备完全的职业品性与道德,成熟,客观,不盲从,有正确的价值观,廉洁、诚信与正直。
AccountabilityBeing reliable, accountable, and liable in execution of his/her personal and team work.在执行工作过程中可靠,有责任心,在团队及个人工作中做事有担当。
AccuracyPaperwork accuracy. Mininal errors. Gets it right the first time.工作的准确性。失误率小,一次掌握工作要领。
ResponsibilityTake full responsibility of own job, act with a high sense of duty as representative of the company, Makes good choice for the company on top of everything.对工作的责任心,主人翁意识,视公司利益为上,勇于承担。