
20220107 Enjoy its from Europe-Master Class Guangzhou享味欧洲广州厨师学校大师班课

如何评价活动期间收到的有关欧盟食品和饮品的内容? How would you rate the information about EU food and beverages received during the event?
(5) 非常好 Very good
(4) 好 Good
(3) 一般 Sufficient/Satisfactory
(2) 差劲 Poor
(1) 非常差 Very poor
此活动有助于您了解以下哪些欧盟食品和饮品的特性?(可以多选)Did this event learn you more about the following European food and beverage characteristics? (more than one answer possible)
质量 Quality
真实性 Authenticity
安全性 Safety
多样性 Diversity
可持续性 Sustainability
质量认证(PDO / PGI)和有机认证标签 Quality Schemes (PDO/PGI) and the Organic label
其他 Other
您认为以下哪些特性最能描述欧盟食品和饮品? (可以多选)Which characteristic do you think best describes food and beverages from the EU? (more than one possible answer)
质量 Quality
真实性 Authenticity
安全性 Safety
多样性 Diversity
可持续性 Sustainability
质量认证(PDO / PGI)和有机认证标签 Quality Schemes (PDO/PGI) and the Organic label
其他 Other
请从 0 到 10 的范围中评分(0-根本不可能,10-非常可能),您将该活动推荐给朋友的可能性有多大?On a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 being not at all likely, and 10 being extremely likely, how likely it is that you would recommend this event to a friend?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
请分享任何其他信息 Please share any additional information