
UCAS-M Spring20 Final Survey

Scientific Discipline/Area of your Masters/PhD Project:
Course Organization: Below please find a number of questions related to the organization of this course. Tick the box you think reflects your opinion most appropriately:
strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree
The 2-part structure (MOOC; Class-In) worked well, given the circumstances.
I really enjoyed the tasks in the second part of this course, they will help me with my writing practise after returning to my institute.
On average, the homework tasks in the second part were just right in length and degree of difficulty.
The tasks in the second part were totally disjoined from the MOOC part.
Guidance through the tasks in the second part were totally inadequate.
After having taken this course, are you reading scientific papers differently, i.e. with greater awareness of grammatical structures such as linking words, summary words, formal verbs and others grammar elements?
yes, much more aware of these structures than before
no difference to before
no, worse than before, totally confused
What were the mainfactors that prevented you from getting as much as possible out of this course?You can choose more than one.
Limited ability in English listening
Limited ability in English writing
Limited ability to think analytically
Not enough homework tasks
Not enough writing exercises
Not enough time during class to think about the material on each slide.
Lack of interactionwith the teaching staff
Not enough class hours per week.
Usefulness of this course: Do you have any other comments or suggestions related to this section?