天津喜达屋酒店服务质量调查问卷(Starwood Hotels Service Quality in Tianjin, China Questionnaire)

尊敬的先生/女士:  非常感谢您在百忙之中抽出五至十分钟来填写这份问卷。出卷人是一名来自荷兰马斯特里赫特酒店管理学院的硕士生。本问卷仅用于硕士毕业项目(关于天津喜达屋酒店服务质量调查)的研究,您的信息会被全面保密,希望能得到您最真实的想法。再次衷心感谢您的协助与配合,祝您生活工作一切顺利!Dear Sir/Madam:  Thank you very much for your time to take part in the questionnaire research. The researcher is a master student from Hotel Management School, Maastricht. This questionnaire is only used for the master graduation research (Starwood Hotels Service Quality in Tianjin, China). It will not reveal any of your private information; therefore, we hope to see the most true ideas from you. Thanks again for your attention and assistant. Best Wishes! 

天津喜达屋酒店服务质量调查问卷(Starwood Hotels Service Quality in Tianjin, China Questionnaire)

12题  |  32次引用

