



【0924-Qu】日常刷G小组-Day 4




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The milk of many mammals contains cannabinoids, substances that are known to stimulate certain receptors in the brain. To investigate the function of cannabinoids, researchers injected newborn mice with a chemical that is known to block cannabinoides from reaching their receptors in the brain. The injected mice showed far less interest in feeding than normal newborn mice do. Therefore, cannabinoids probably function to stimulate the appetite.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
A. Newborn mice do not normally ingest any substance other than their mothers milk.
B. Cannabinoids are the only substances in mammals milk that stimulate the appetite.
C. The mothers of newborn mice do not normally make any effort to encourage their babies to feed.
D. The milk of mammals would be less nutritious if it did not contain cannabinoids.
E. The chemical that blocks cannabinoids from stimulating their brain receptors does not independently inhibit the appetite.
Frobisher, a sixteenth-century English explorer, had soil samples from Canadas Kodlunarn Island examined for gold content. Because high gold content was reported, Elizabeth I funded two mining expeditions. Neither expedition found any gold there. Modern analysis of the islands soil indicates a very low gold content. Thus the methods used to determine the gold content of Frobishers samples must have been inaccurate.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
A. The gold content of the soil on Kodlunarn Island is much lower today than it was in the sixteenth century.
B. The two mining expeditions funded by Elizabeth I did not mine the same part of Kodlunarn Island.
C. The methods used to assess gold content of the soil samples provided by Frobisher were different from those generally used in the sixteenth century.
D. Frobisher did not have soil samples from any other Canadian island examined for gold content.
E. Gold was not added to the soil samples collected by Frobisher before the samples were examined.
In Kravonia, the average salary for jobs requiring a college degree has always been higher than the average salary for jobs that do not require a degree. Current enrollments in Kravonias colleges indicate that over the next four years the percentage of the Kravonian workforce with college degree will increase dramatically. Therefore, the average salary for all workers in Kravonia is likely to increase over the next four years.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
A. Kravonians with more than one college degree earn more, on average, than do Kravonians with only one college degree.
B. The percentage of Kravonians who attend college in order to earn higher salaries is higher now than it was several years ago.
C. The higher average salary for jobs requiring a college degree is not due largely to a scarcity among the Kravonian workforce of people with a college degree.
D. The average salary in Kravonia for jobs that do not require a college degree will not increase over the next four years.
E. Few members of the Kravonian workforce earned their degrees in other countries.