Starbucks in China Questionnaire星巴克中国问卷调查

Hello. I am a student at the University of Central Lancashire. This survey is about ‘‘Chinese consumers’’ perception towards Starbucks. This survey is only used for academic purposes and will be anonymous. If possible, would you mind taking 10 minutes to complete this survey? Thank you for your support and cooperation. If you have any further questions, please email你好, 我是中央兰开夏大学的学生。这项调查是关于“中国消费者”对星巴克的看法。该调查仅用于学术目的,将是匿名的。如果可能的话,您介意花10分钟时间完成此调查吗?感谢您的支持与合作。如有其他疑问,请发送电子邮件至

Starbucks in China Questionnaire星巴克中国问卷调查

38题  |  0次引用

