On The ListTraining Needs Survey尚列员工培训需求调查问卷

您目前是:(单选)Your current level is:
经理 Manager
普通员工 Staff
您希望参加哪类培训呢?(多选)What kind of training would you like to attend?
企业文化培训Corporate culture training
岗位专业技能Professional skills
个人自我管理技能Personal self-management skills
职业道德与素养Professional ethics and accomplishment
办公自动化 Office
行业、市场及产品信息Industry, market and product information
人际关系及沟通技能Interpersonal and communication skills
英语(外语)方面的培训English (foreign language) training
其他(请注明)Others (please specify)
您希望培训的频率是?(单选)How often would you like to be trained?
每周2-3次 2-3 Times/Week
每周1次 Once/Week
半月1次 Once/Half Month
每季度1次 Once/Quarter
其他(请注明)Others (please specify)
姓名 Name
手机号 Phone No.