On The ListTraining Needs Survey尚列员工培训需求调查问卷

您目前是:(单选)Your current level is:
经理 Manager
普通员工 Staff
您是否有参加企业培训的迫切需要?(单选)Do you have an urgent need to attend corporate training?
非常迫切Very urgent
比较迫切More urgent
不太迫切Not very urgent
您认为最有效的培训方式是?( 单选)What do you think is the most effective training method?
现场授课Classroom teaching
线上学习 E- learning
建立公司图书馆Establish a company library
其他(请注明)Others (please specify)
您认为培训时间安排在什么时候合适?(单选)When do you think the training schedule is appropriate?
工作日上班时间 Working Day
工作日下班后After work on weekdays
周末Over the weekend
您希望培训的频率是?(单选)How often would you like to be trained?
每周2-3次 2-3 Times/Week
每周1次 Once/Week
半月1次 Once/Half Month
每季度1次 Once/Quarter
其他(请注明)Others (please specify)