

3、对于留守儿童您是怎么认为的?(此题多选) (多选题 *必答)
□ 会有一份爱的缺失 There will be a lack of love
□ 无人督促,学习可能不太好 Without supervision, learning may not be very good
□ 生活很独立,能够自理 Life is very independent, able to take care of themselves
□ 看似开朗,实则偏内向 Seemingly cheerful, but actually introverted
□ 与人相熟快,朋友很多 Get to know people quickly and have many friends
□ 有点可怜,生发同情 Its a little pathetic. Its pathetic
□ 与其他孩子没什么两样 Its not like the rest of the kids
4、您觉留守儿童和其他孩子最大的不同在哪方面? (单选题 *必答) 4. What do you think is the biggest difference between left behind children and other children( Single choice question * required answer)
○ 性格 character
○ 学习 study
○ 家庭生活 family life
○ 能力 ability
○ 经济条件 economic condition
○ 想法 idea
○ 没有什么不同 Its no different
8、您认为社会大众对留守儿童的关注度目前怎么样? (单选题 *必答)8. What do you think of the publics attention to left behind children( Single choice question * required answer)
○ 还没有,但应当重视 Not yet, but we should pay attention to it
○ 有部分关注,但没有太大效果 There is some concern, but not much effect
○ 已得到相当多的关注,有部分成效 It has received considerable attention and achieved some results
1. In what capacity did you participate in this survey( Single choice question * required answer)1、您是以什么身份参与的本次调查? (单选题 *必答)
离开过孩子的父母 Parents who have left their children
和孩子一起成长的父母 Parents growing up with their children
其他社会角色,例如大学生 Other social roles, such as college students
2、您觉得您选择陪伴孩子成长的因素(此题可多选) (多选题 *必答) 2. What factors do you think you choose to accompany your childs growth
父母本身就是孩子最大的需要 Parents themselves are the greatest needs of children
不看好隔代教育 Not optimistic about intergenerational Education
其他不看好隔代教育 Not optimistic about intergenerational Education