
Boost Your EQ Communication 提升情商沟通力

Date Time (日期/时间): 2019年3月12日-14日Course Name(课程名称): Boost Your EQ Communication for Maximum Performance课程评估Venue(授课地点) : ShanghaiFacilitator (讲师): Elvis Zhu
What helps you in this workshop?这次工作坊对您的帮助有哪些?
State the actions you will undertake from now on.请列举您回到工作岗位后会采取的行动。
Facilitator presents proficient and professional instruction skills讲师的教学技能娴熟专业
Excellent非常好5 Good好4 NoComment一般3 Bad不好2 Very Poor很不好1
Elvis Zhu
Would you have any suggestion oradvice for the facilitator(s)?请问您针对讲师有任何评价和建议吗?