
福建医科大学来华留学生就业情况调查Survey on employment of foreign students in Fujian Medical University

Your Continent? (您的洲别?)
African 非洲
Asian 亚洲
Oceanian 大洋洲
North American 北美洲
South American 南美州
European 欧洲
What significant factors do you consider during your job search? (找工作时您看中的因素是?)【Please Choose 1-3 items and sort them 请按优先级选择1-3项 】
Consistent with the major 与所学专业一致
Salary and welfare 薪资待遇
Working location 工作地点
Working condition 工作环境
Promotion opportunity 晋升空间
Influence of enterprises in the industry 企业在本行业的影响力
Improvement of Working Ability 工作能力的提升
Open and inclusive corporate culture 开放包容的企业文化
Other 其他 (Please specify 请详述)
Where do you want to work?(您希望在哪里就业?)
China 中国
Other country其他国家
As long as there is a good job 只要有好的工作都可以
Why do you want to work in above country? (您为什么想在上述国家工作?) 【Please Choose 1-3 items and sort them 请按优先级选择1-3项 】
Plentiful job opportunities 工作机会多
Repay your hometown回报家乡
Ample space for development 发展空间大
Connecting with International Standards与国际接轨
Public safety 社会安定
Life convenience 生活便利
High salary 薪资高
Other 其他(Please specify 请详述)
How do you get to know a company?(您一般是通过什么渠道了解一个公司的?)【Please Choose 1-3 items and sort them 请按优先级选择1-3项】
Company Official Website 公司官网
Company official Wechat Public Number 公司官方微信公众号
Companys official microblog 公司官方微博
Search in Browser 浏览器搜索
Recruitment Website 招聘网站
Other 其他 (Please specify 请详述)