

姓名 Name:
请根据以下提纲简要描述一个您在工作中亲身经历的或者将要亲身经历的项目管理的案例:Please follow the below information todescribea project management case that you have experienced or will be experienced in the work.
项目所需的时间是多久?How long did it last?
在项目执行中如果发生了不可预计的事情,你会怎么做?你会如何控制项目中那些不可预计的事情?How will you deal with unexpectedthings during the process? How do you manage the uncertainties?
项目在执行中是否发生了变化?怎样的变化?是如何修正、调整和控制的?Did any change happen in the scopeof the project? How did you adjust to it or manage it?