

1. I read the newspaper every day so that I can stay informed about current events.
A. important
B. international
C. latest
D. cultural
2. After seven days in the desert, the explorer was relieved when he eventually found water.
A. predictably
B. finally
C. luckily
D. accidentally
3. When we gave the children ice cream,they immediately ceased crying.
A. started
B. continued
C. resumed
D. stopped
4. The science teacher demonstrated the process of turning solid gold into liquid.
A. showed
B. elaborated
C. devised
D. simplified
5. John’s application for admission to graduate studies in the School of Education has been approved.
A. entrance
B. acceptance
C. experience
D. allowance
6. Most college students in the United States live awayfrom home.
A. apart
B. down
C. elsewhere
D. along
7. The pursuit of maximum profit often drives manufacturers to turn out things that can do harm to people’s health.
A. preserve
B. promote
C. process
D. produce
8. Many different parts make up an airplane: the engine(s), the wings, the tail, and so on.
A. compose
B. decorate
C. construct
D. derive
9. You make it sound as if I did it on purpose.
A. carefully
B. unwillingly
C. incredibly
D. deliberately
10. He could never have foreseen that one day his books would sell in millions.
B. explained
C. expected
D. believed