

1. There are several different options for getting Internet access.
A. choices
B. definitions
C. channels
2. Earth has an atmosphere, which protects the surface from harmful rays.
A. minerals
C. gases
D. beams
3. The manager gave one of the salesgirls an accusing look for her hostile attitude toward customers.
A. unfriendly
B. optimistic
C. impatient
D. positive
4. Since it is late to change my mind now, I am resolved to carry out the plan.
A. revise
B. implement
C. review
D. improve
5. Security guards dispersed the crowd that had gathered around the Capitol.
B. stopped
C. scattered
D. watched
6. To start the program, insert the disk and follow the instructions.
A. take out
B. turn over
C. track down
D. put in
7. The patients condition has deteriorated since last night.
A. improved
B. returned
C. worsened
D. changed
8. I couldnt afford to fly home , and a train ticket was likewise beyond my means.
A. also
B. nonetheless
C. furthermore
D. otherwise
9. Despite years of searching, scientists have detected no signs of life beyond our own solar system.
A. within
B. besides
C. outside
D. except
10. I prefer chicken to fish because I am worried about accidentally swallowing a small bone.
A. intentionally
B. unexpectedly
C. anxiously
D. hurriedly