

请提交您的联系方式,本次展览内容将发送至您邮箱,也可预注册6月7日拍卖会,谢谢!You can get the mini museum content, upcoming auction catalog, and pre-register via email for 7th June iPai  INSHOP Auction!
您对拍卖的看法是?What do you think of auctions?
只有有钱人才能参加 Only for very wealthy people
只有收到邀请才能参加 Auctions are private invite only events
人人可参加,并且可以获得很好的折扣!Auctions are for all types of people, are a place to find great deals
姓名 name
邮箱 email
是否需要将小小拍卖博物馆内容发至您的邮箱?Do you want the mini museum info to be sent to you?
需要 Yes
不需要 No, thanks
手机号码 Mobile
6月7日计划来本次拍卖会竞拍吗?Are you interested to attend the June 7th Auction?
是的,一定要来 Yes!
不了 No
到时候看情况 Depends
您希望在拍卖时出现哪些产品?What product would you be interested to see in our auctions?
包包 Handbags
女士配饰Accessories for ladies
男士配饰Accessories for men
数码产品 Electronics
其他 Other
您对本次小小拍卖博物馆有什么建议?Any feedback about today's mini museum?