
亲爱的游客,您好! 我是香港中文大学地理与资源管理学系的一名学生,为了对白鹿原影视城的旅游发展有一个更加深入的研究,特邀您参加该调查问卷,您的信息与意见将对本次的研究至关重要,同时,我会对您提供的信息严格保密。谢谢您的积极参与与配合! Dear tourist, I am a student in Geography and Resource Management of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. In order to have a deeper research on tourism development in Bailuyuan Film and Television City, I am inviting you to fill in the questionnaire. The information and suggestions you provide will be essential to this study and I am very sure to keep them strictly at the same time. Thanks for your cooperation!


17题  |  3次引用

