

请您对教学整体进行评分 (Overall)请在下面的空格内填写对应区间内的分数(优秀 5 良好 4.5-4.9 一般 4-4.4 较差 3-3.9 差 2-2.9)
2.1 请评分:教学方式 (Teaching Methods)请在下面的空格内填写对应区间内的分数(优秀 5 良好 4.5-4.9 一般 4-4.4 较差 3-3.9 差 2-2.9)
3.1 请评分:教学效果 ( Teaching Effectiveness )请在下面的空格内填写对应区间内的分数(优秀 5 良好 4.5-4.9 一般 4-4.4 较差 3-3.9 差 2-2.9)
3.2 教学效果 (Teaching effectiveness)符合请您打钩(多选),不符合请在下面提出您的宝贵意见(选填),谢谢!(必填)
1. 能掌握课上内容Are you able to master the content of the lesson? 2. 随堂练习帮助较大Do you think the in-class exercises are helpful? 3. 能积累不同的表达方式Do you think thelesson has helped you to increase your vocabulary or grammar knowledge? 4. 有一定的学习方法指导Did your teacher share learning methods with you? 5. 除语言外的其他能力补充(跨文化交流能力,商务接待礼仪等)Have you developed your other skills such as intercultural communication abilities, business reception etiquette etc? 6. 以上都不符合None
教学效果 Teaching Effectiveness
3.3 您能掌握多少课堂内容?What percentage of the teaching content can you master?
能够掌握90%以上的内容 More Than 90%
能够掌握75%以上的内容 More Than 75%
能够掌握60%以上的内容 More Than 60%
只能够掌握60%以下的内容 Less Than 60%