关于非洲象保护相关调查 Questionnaire on protection of African elephants


Q1:Whats your gender?(你的性别?)

Male 男的
Female 女的

Q2:Whats your working status?(你的工作状况?)

Full-time 全职
Part-time 兼职
Studying 念书人
Other 其他

Q3:How would you rate your personal knowledge about African elephants?(对你对非洲象的了解打个分吧。)

Low 没听过
Middle 一点点
High 亿点点

Q4:Do you think African elephants are in danger?(你觉得非洲象身处水火之中吗?)

Yes 是的
No 没有
Unknown 不了解不知道

Q5:Are you willing to protect African elephants?(如果要守护非洲象,你愿意吗?)

Yes 是的,我愿意
No 不,我拒绝

Q6:Do you have a clear idea if you want to help African elephants?(如果要保护非洲象的话,你有明确的方法吗?)

Yes 是的,我有
No 不是的,我没有

Q7:Have you ever noticed legislation, organisation, or products related to African elephant protection?(可曾留意到与非洲象保护有关的法例,组织,或产品吗?)

Many times 有,很多
Few times 有,有一点吧
No 不存在的

Q8:Have you ever engaged with legislation, organisation, or products related to African elephants protection?(有涉及过有关非洲象保护的法例,组织,产品的经历吗?)

Lots of times 有,常有的事
Few times 有,有过
No 没有的事

Q9:Do you understand the animal protection policy?(对动物保护的政策了解吗?)

Very well 很是了解
A little bit 有听过
No 没听过

Q10:Have you ever used digital applications designed for protecting animals?(是否用过保护动物的数字应用?)

Yes 是的,有用过
No 没有,没用过

Q11:Do you think you may pose a threat to African elephants extinction in your daily life?(是否会察觉到在日常生活中对动物的危害?)

Yes 会察觉到
No 没什么感觉

Q12:Which action can be harmful to African elephants?(以下哪些行为会对非洲象造成危害?可多选)

Purchasing ivory 购买象牙
Watching African elephants' performance 看非洲象表演
Polluting habitats of African elephants 污染非洲象生存环境
Importing and exporting African elephants 进出口非洲象

Q13:Have you purchased or engaged with some related products that cause damage to African elephants, like ivory, or elephants performance?(是否参与过这些危害行动?)

Never 从来没有
Sometimes 有过
Often 经常

Q14:Who should take the responsibility of protecting African elephants, individuals, communities, or governments?(谁该对非洲象保护负责呢,个人,团体还是zf?可多选)

Individuals 个人
communities 团体
governments zf

Q15:Do you think it is a good choice to mandate African elephant protection?(zf强制进行非洲象保护好吗?)

Yes 可以
No 拒绝

Q16:Do you expect African elephant protection to be more accessible?(你想要非洲象保护更触手可及吗?)

Yes 是的,我想
No 不,我不想

Q17:Do you prefer to protect African elephants in a digital way?(你觉得数字化保护方案更优吗?)

Yes 是的
No 不是的

Q18:Do you think these products made from elephants are necessary? Could you accept the replicas of them?(这些非洲象附属品必要吗?可替代吗?)

Necessary and Irreplaceable(必要的,不接受替代)
Unnecessary and replaceable(并非必要的,可以接受替代品)

Q19:Do you agree with trading these kinds of products is illegal?(你觉得这些行为是否合法?)

Yes 我觉得交易象牙等制品是非法的
No 我觉得交易象牙等制品是无碍的

Q20:Do you think increasing knowledge about African elephants will raise people‘s sympathy?(你认为增加对非洲象的了解可以增加同情心吗?)

Yes 我觉得可以
No 我觉得不行

关于非洲象保护相关调查 Questionnaire on protection of African elephants

19题  |  1次引用

