

三、工作安排、工作与生活平衡 Working assignment, work-life balance
我已经了解学校的主要目标,教学理念。I clearly understand the main purpose and philosophy of the school.
A. Thoroughly agree 非常同意
B. Agree同意
C. Disagree 不同意
D. Completely Disagree 完全不同意
我现在的工作是我所擅长的,我个人的特长得到充分的发挥。What I am doing is what I am good at, and my personal strengths can be fully utilized.
A. Thoroughly agree 非常同意
B. Agree同意
C. Disagree 不同意
D. Completely Disagree 完全不同意
在休息时间我相信自己可以管理好学生。I feel confident in my ability to supervise students during recess times.
A. Thoroughly agree 非常同意
B. Agree同意
C. Disagree 不同意
D. Completely Disagree 完全不同意
If you like, you can give some description of the reason if your score is less than 3 points(1or 2points only)欢迎你们提出你们的改进意见,特别如果你的选项是C或者D的话,请写下你的想法(不是必须)