
国贸培训满意度调查CUIT Training Evaluation Form -Wenzhou Voice Static Industry

所属公司(例如CUA/CUE)Company (e.g CUA/CUE)
How helpful do you think the training content will be for your future work?您觉得培训内容对今后的工作有多少帮助?
选项1 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Which part of the training interested you most? And why?本次培训哪一部分内容对您帮助最大?
Is there any improvements or deviations compared with previous tranings?本次培训,对比之前培训出现的问题是否有改善?
The next plant training is for Shanghai Xinbang, what contents do you want to know at most?下次培训工厂为上海新邦,您希望我们重点培训哪些内容?